Non-Invasive Cosmetic and Laser Specialists in Irvine, CA

The appearance of a new wrinkle and age spot can have you second guessing your current skin routine. There are different approaches to skin health and what may have worked in your 20s may be damaging in your 50s and 60s.The biggest culprits of skin damage is sun exposure and the natural break down of collagen and elastin which give skin its firmness and tightness.What can you do to maintain optimum skin health and beautiful skin? Here are some tips for every age.

In Your 20’s:

Skin is youthful and vibrant. The best things you can do for your skin in your 20s are to wear sunscreen and to protect skin from the sun. In your 20s it is difficult to see the side effects of bad skin care habits, but damage in the earlier years affects how skin ages over time.

Must#1: Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher everyday.

Must #2: Cleanse your face in the morning and evening.

In Your 30’s:

First signs of aging are noticed in your 30s. Skin’s cell turn over rate has slowed. You are starting to notice that your skin doesn’t snap back after a late night out.

Skin’s collagen and elastin start to weaken and fine lines start to appear. Skin is not as adept to protect itself from the environment.

30s are a good time to start with products that have retinol to aid with cell turnover  and hyaluronic-acid to help boost skin cells retain moisture.

30s are great for gentle laser treatments such as PicoSure Skin Revitalization to address pigmentation and skin porosity. Gentle laser treatments help get the most from your products.

For prevention benefits you can start fractional laser resurfacing to effectively combat the early signs of skin sagging and laxity.

Must #1: Broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

Must #2: Products that contain peptides, retinol, and hylauronic acid.

Must #3: Start anti-aging laser treatments with PicoSure or non-ablative lasers to target early signs of sun damage and discoloration.

In Your 40’s:

You want to promote collagen and elastin as these two proteins production levels have slowed 80% of their maximum concentration. Skin has a harder time maintaining its youthful appearance.

Oestrogen levels are also lower in your 40s which leads to skin sagging due to bone depletion and more noticeable lines on the skin.

Must #1: Staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet low in sugar and getting regular exercise.

Must #2: Combat new UV damage and repair existing pigmentation issues with vitamin C. Continue using broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

Must #3: Use a cleanser that contains alpha hydroxy acids or AHAs to stimulate cell turnover.

Must #4: Use topical vitamin A and retinol at night to regenerate the skin, promote collagen production, minimize the look of large pores and target blemishes for clearer, more youthful-looking skin.

Must#5: Call in an expert to repair more complex damage on skin. Investing in less invasive treatments such as fractional laser resurfacing to improve the tone of skin and to reduce appearance of lines and wrinkles will help avoid more invasive treatments in your 50s and 60s. We recommend the our fractional laser treatment with the 1540.

In Your 50’s:

Skin is lacking resilience and its youthful appearance due to a sharp decline of estrogen. Skin is dry and more easily irritated. Estrogen promotes healthy collagen production and cell turnover. Skin looks dull and tired. The face begins to sag with the natural loss of volume.

In your 50s its important to use products that hydrate and boost collagen to maintain the beauty of your mature skin.

Must #1: Use products that contain ceramides and oils to help replenish the skin’s natural lipid barrier.

Must #2: Use topical DNA repair enzymes to repair aging skin that has accumulated over the decades.

Must #4: Fractional laser treatment will combat the increasing signs of sun damage and skin texture. More aggressive treatments address skin laxity and the loss of volume.

In Your 60’s:

Skin in your 60s will feel drier and be more thin. Itchiness may be a concern with more sensitivities to irritation. Skin may have developed more age spots, wrinkles, and creases. It’s important at this stage to reduce your risk in injuring your skin, exposing skin to harsh chemicals, sun, and other things that can irritate or dry out skin.

Must #1: Relieve dry skin with quick warm baths or showers, not hot as hot water dries out skin.

Must #2: Wear gloves while gardening and doing housework.

Must #3: Protect skin from the sun with broad spectrum sunscreen, shade, and wearing garments that offer sun protection.

Must #4: Use products that are fragrance free.

Must #5: Do routine skin exams for screening of cancer.

Must #6: Seeing an expert to address sagging, crepey skin. Fractional laser treatments can help with texture and tone. Other treatments may be needed for volume loss.